It's now...
March 3rd, 1880
It is raining this evening, and nearly all of us have the blues. Dr. Garlic has been here today so we had our meeting in the parlor. Cousin Lou's lovely lily is in there, and its sweet fragrance and pure bosom (blossom?) lent another charm to our already charming exercises. We opened our exercises by reading 15th Psalm. Vir played very sweetly on the piano "Shells of the Ocean." Sallie read a piece from cousin Lou's scrap book. It had an excellent moral. Mattie Kate played "Tired" very correctly. Lucy read "Amie's Wish." It is a sweet piece. Lou played "Borders of the Rhine." Sallie played "Titania" for Maria Lou's benefit. She plays it just as well as Miss Garnette did at the concert.
Green Mount
March 10, 1880
Opened by reading the 16th Psalm. Lucie played "Bohemian Girl" (not sure if a connection or not) very well Indeed. Mattie Kate read "Long Ago." It is a lovely piece and we enjoyed it very much. Lou read "The Stammering Wife." It is very funny and we enjoyed it very much. Mattie repeated a very sweet little piece called "You In Little Lights". Vir read "Be Strong" very well. Sallie played "Voix du Ceil". Mr. Fleet (probably Willie or possibly David) by special request declared a piece for us. We enjoyed it exceedintgly, and wish there had been more of it. We had a visitor this evening viz. Johnnie Crump (?), but he did not take any part in the exercises.
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