Record of the
Evergreen Society for the session
beginning Sept. 8, 1879
Green Mount
Oct. 15, 1879
After waiting several weeks with the hope of having more girls, we determined to organize our little society again this evening.
Miss Lou gave us a history of its origin & of some of the good it has done; & then we proceeded to elect the following officers.
For President Miss Vir. Bagby, Treasurer, Lucy Fleet, Secretaries, Sallie Blount & Lou Henley.
Lucy played without a mistake, Home Sweet Home, & we congratulated her on knowing so much more about music than she did last year.
Mattie Kate read, The Lost Love, & Sallie played Mountain Zephyrs very well. Lou and Mary were not prepared with any pieces so Miss Lou read two very suggestive pieces. One called Little Scotch Granite – teaches us to be conscientious in giving in our marks & the other teaches us to do the duties near at hand, without waiting for some great work.
Our beloved President is still kept at home by sickness, but we hope she will soon be restored to health & to us.
We sadly miss many of the loved ones who met with us last year, but we must strive as good soldiers to press bravely onward, in spite of our thinned ranks, remembering that there are crowns reserved for the faithful few.
Green Mount
Oct. 22, 1879
Opened exercises by reading the 1st Psalm. Lou played “The Carnival of Venice” very sweety. I think it is a lovely piece. Then Lucy read a very pretty piece called, “The Reaper and the Flowers.” It was read very well indeed. Mattie Kate played “The Mountain Stream” beautifully. She did justice both to herself and the piece. Sallie read “Burgen on the Rhine.” The exercise closed with two pieces from Miss Florence, called Recollections of Home and Old Black Joe. They added greatly to the entertainment of the evening. I believe we enjoyed them more than all the rest of the exercises.
Sallie Blount
Opened exercises by reading the second Psalm. Lucie played “In the Sweet Bye and Bye” very nicely. Marie read “What the Minutes Say” very well. It was very interesting, and had an excellent moral in it. Lou read “the Bridge of Sighs.”
Mattie Kate read “The Two Pictures,” it was well done. After that she read “The Sun Beams.” Sallie played “Then You’ll Remember Me” which is lovely. She did justice to herself as well as the piece. Cousin Bess played “Pensive Old Piano,” “We Had Better Bide A Wee”, “Home Sweet Home.” We all enjoyed it so much.
Miss Lou Henley
Green Mount
Oct. 29th, 1879
Evergreen Society for the session
beginning Sept. 8, 1879
Green Mount
Oct. 15, 1879
After waiting several weeks with the hope of having more girls, we determined to organize our little society again this evening.
Miss Lou gave us a history of its origin & of some of the good it has done; & then we proceeded to elect the following officers.
For President Miss Vir. Bagby, Treasurer, Lucy Fleet, Secretaries, Sallie Blount & Lou Henley.
Lucy played without a mistake, Home Sweet Home, & we congratulated her on knowing so much more about music than she did last year.
Mattie Kate read, The Lost Love, & Sallie played Mountain Zephyrs very well. Lou and Mary were not prepared with any pieces so Miss Lou read two very suggestive pieces. One called Little Scotch Granite – teaches us to be conscientious in giving in our marks & the other teaches us to do the duties near at hand, without waiting for some great work.
Our beloved President is still kept at home by sickness, but we hope she will soon be restored to health & to us.
We sadly miss many of the loved ones who met with us last year, but we must strive as good soldiers to press bravely onward, in spite of our thinned ranks, remembering that there are crowns reserved for the faithful few.
Green Mount
Oct. 22, 1879
Opened exercises by reading the 1st Psalm. Lou played “The Carnival of Venice” very sweety. I think it is a lovely piece. Then Lucy read a very pretty piece called, “The Reaper and the Flowers.” It was read very well indeed. Mattie Kate played “The Mountain Stream” beautifully. She did justice both to herself and the piece. Sallie read “Burgen on the Rhine.” The exercise closed with two pieces from Miss Florence, called Recollections of Home and Old Black Joe. They added greatly to the entertainment of the evening. I believe we enjoyed them more than all the rest of the exercises.
Sallie Blount
Opened exercises by reading the second Psalm. Lucie played “In the Sweet Bye and Bye” very nicely. Marie read “What the Minutes Say” very well. It was very interesting, and had an excellent moral in it. Lou read “the Bridge of Sighs.”
Mattie Kate read “The Two Pictures,” it was well done. After that she read “The Sun Beams.” Sallie played “Then You’ll Remember Me” which is lovely. She did justice to herself as well as the piece. Cousin Bess played “Pensive Old Piano,” “We Had Better Bide A Wee”, “Home Sweet Home.” We all enjoyed it so much.
Miss Lou Henley
Green Mount
Oct. 29th, 1879
Green Mount
Nov. 5th, 1879
Opened exercises by reading the third Psalm. Miss Florence read the records of the last meeting. Lou played Fredonia March very sweetly. It was complimented very much. Mattie played Tired, very well indeed. We enjoyed it very much. Then Miss Lou read Mrs. Campbells dying address to her children, which was a lovely piece, and was enjoyed very much. Sallie read “Some selected extracts from De Quincy.” Lucy read “The Amoyer” (?) very well indeed. We regret very much that one of our beloved teachers, Miss Bessie Fleet was not present at our meeting.
Green Mount
No 12th, 1879
Green Mount
Opened exercises by reading fourth Psalm. Cousin Lou read the record of the last meeting. Lucy played “On the Sweet Bye and Bye” very sweetly. Lou then read Little Bo Peep. Sallie sung “Juanita” she did full justice to the piece. Mattie Kate read “Little Boy Blue” from “Mother Goose for Grown Folks.” It is really wonderful how those nonsensical tales can point out such excellent moral. Dear cousin Bessie going to leave us How will we do without her_ Oh me, I think I am wandering. Cousin Lou played “Annie on the Banks of the Dee” Annie Laurie” Thou Must Learn to Forget” and The Brooke”We enjoyed it so much.
M. Lou H
Green Mount
November 19th 1879
Opened exercises by reading the fifth Psalm. Miss Florence read the record of the last meeting. Lou played “Smith’s March” very sweetly indeed. Then Lucy read “Peter Piper” a piece from Mother Goose for Grown Folks. She read it very well. No one would think from its name that it could be such a pretty piece. Mattie played “El Fresco” beautifully. It is not necessary to say that we enjoyed it very much. Sallie read “Rockaby Baby” which is also a piece from Mother Goose.” Then Miss Lou read a very interesting piece about De Quincy. We enjoyed it very much. The exercises closed with several pieces form Miss Lou. Some songs and some instrumental pieces. We enjoyed it so much.
Sallie Blount
Opened exercises by reading sixth Psalm. Lucy played “Sun of My Soul” very nicely indeed. Lou then read “Find a Way or Make It.” Sallie played “Shakespears March” very sweetly. Mattie Kate read “The Twister.” Cousin Lou excused us at half past three as we wanted to go (to) the river. We enjoyed the evening ever so much.
Nov. 29th 1879
Green Mount
(appears to be Sallie’s handwriting)
Green Mount
Dec. 3rd, 1879
We opened our society this evening but on account of the absence of two of our members and the unexpected calling off of our dear teacher Miss Lou Fleet, to give some music lessons, we thought it best to adjourn our meeting. Which I must say we were very sorry to do.
Green Mount
Dec 10th 1879
We opened our society by sixth Psalm. Cousin Lou read the record. Mattie Kate read “The Hereafter” very nicely. Lucy played “there’s a Happy Land” perfectly, she is getting on finely with her msuic. Loud read “The Bridge.” Sallie played “Chant du Berger” beautifully. It is a lovely piece. Cousin Lou asked to be excused for the rest of the evening. Dear cousin Florence played “Recollections of Home” and Spinned (?). We enjoyed it so much, particularly as cousin Florence is going to leave us. How we shall miss her. It does not seem as though we could get on without her. But we have cousin Lou left.
Green Mount
Dec. 17, 1879
Opened society by reading the seventh Psalm. Lou played “Home Sweet Home”, very well. She has improved a good deal, since she has been here. Lou read “A Christmas Sermon”, beginning, “hard times make soft hearts.” It teaches us the blessing of self denial, and is a good, instructive piece. It was read very well. Mattie played “Warblings at Eve” very sweetly. We all enjoyed it very much. Sallie read “Grandmother’s Christmas Story.” Miss Lou sang “The Irish Mothers Lament” and “The Brook” for us. We enjoyed them exceedingly.
Green Mount
Dec. 23rd, 1879
We opened our society by reading the eighth Psalm. Lucy did not come up this week, so cousin Lou took her place and played “Dreams” beautifully. We enjoyed it so much. It is just a lovely song. Mattie Kate read “The Orphans” very nicely! It is a sweet story. It shows us that the will answers our prayers if he sees fit. Sallie played “Grand Triumphal German March”, splendidly. It is truly a Grand piece. Cousin Florence has gone to Richmond. We miss her sadly. Cousin Lou got a letter from her the other day. It was so sweet and interesting. Lou read “the Old Year and The Hen” Cousin Lou played “The Bygone Hours” "The Rosebush" I’ll Watch for Thee And played “the Voice of Heaven” It is just the prettiest thing I ever heard. We enjoyed it so much. It is just three day before Christmas. It has been raining for three days.
M. Lou Henley.
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