I wish that I could copy more minutes tonight, but there is company coming here tomorrow to Green Mount and I am as usual, waiting until nearly the last minute to get myself in order. While copying photographs for a young lady coming from James Madison University to research the Evergreen Society girls, I decided I may as well put some of these photos on the blog! Here are Mrs. Maria Louisa Wacker Fleet and her three daughters Lou, Florence, and Bessie. None of the girls ever married and Lou, while she was the oldest, outlived both her younger sisters. She taught Sunday School at St. Stephens Baptist Church for 50 years. There are some artifacts in the history room at the church that belonged to her. There is an inscribed vase, recognizing her service to the church, and also her chair with a nice plaque attached. I hope to add more photos tomorrow night. I am looking forward to our visitor and if she'll let me take her photo and put it on the blog with a description of her thesis I will do so. You will find references to the sisters pictured above in the minutes very often. Now you know what they looked like. They are all very sweet looking and I'm sure were kind and good to the students. g'nite!
My mother in law Sarah Prather Fleet Jones, looked a lot like these girls especially Bessie! Thanks for posting these photos!