The weather lately has warmed the buds of the jonquils and they are blooming. Some that are here have a frilly flower, which I believe are an old variety. I have moved about 100 bulbs the past few days, some of this variety and others the typical yellow bloom. It's really easy because one stray clump of jonquils will yield about 30 bulbs and they are easy to divide and replant. I think of next Spring, because there should be flowers blooming all over the place! I hope so. If you would like a bulb or two of these frilly jonquils, please let me know...I'll send you a few. You may email me at
flytiger@bealenet.com and just put in the subject line, Jonquils, or something like that. Thanks for reading. Tere
Green Mount
Oct. 27, 1880
We opened our exercises by reading the 32nd Psalm. Then we repaired to the music room (as usual) and Nannie played the GOlden Dream March very well. I am happy to see that she has impoved since she came. Lulie read a piece on "Education" by John Melton. Lucy read a piece on the same by Bishop. Both were very good. Lou played a Lunatine (?) that had more instruction in it than beauty. Sallie played the "Song of The Brook" to which we listened attentively, Lucy particularly as she has taken it, hopes to soon be able to play it for me as well as Sallie can. Cousin Lou & Florence sang "What are The Wild Waves Saying." We enjoyed it very much.
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