May's minutes begin...
May 12th, 1880
I am sorry to say that my turn has come again, and to tell the truth I am ashamed to write my account after all interesting ones which have been given. We opened by reading the 23 Psalm. Little Attie played "God Save teh King" very well. She has a decided talent for music and I reckon, will make a fine perfomrer some day. Jinnie read "I cannot forget" very well. Lucie read "How to Build Up a Character" which is a splendid piece and was read splendidly. Lou played "Fleetwood March" very nicely, but not as well as I have heard her, as she did not have her notes. Mattie Fleet recited a little humn beginning "The Lord our God is full of might." Sallie read "The Cross and the Crown". Mattie Kate played "Juanita" beautifully. It is one of my favorites, and I enjoyed it very much. Atie read "The Compass bewitched" very well. I am delighted to record just here that one of old and loved school-mates Miss Ellen Y. Garlick was present and added much to the enjoyment of the evening by playing "La Fontaine" splendidly. Miss Lous wished me to record that two more of her girls have been married. Miss Ella Faunt Le Roy to Dr. Webb, April 21st 1880 & MIss Millie Belle rump to Mr. Dew, May 11th 1880. I must also record that the birthday present which we gave Miss Lou, a set of vases, has been nearly finished and have been brought in to brighten us up.
I have looked ahead to see there is only one more entry for this school year. I will post it separately...
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