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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Helen's Babies and more...

Dec. 8, 1880
Our Evergreen Society assembed as usual at three o'clock. Lucy read a scrap called "Too Candid by Half" (this is by John Godfrey Saxe, famous for The Blind Men and the Elephant) which made us all laugh. (See "Pages" on left side of blog to read "Too Candid by Half") Nannie then played a bright little waltz called "Fairy Wedding." Lou played "Monastery Bells" with good taste & time. Mattie Kate read some extracts from "Helen's Babies" which were so much enjoyed that the girls requested that the whole book might be read to them in reading hour. Sallie ended a very pleasant hour by playing "Nearer My God To Thee" with variations.


  1. Weird, I think I have had a copy of "Helen's Babies" that might have been Aunt Sheila's... I'll have to look and see when I get home!

    (BTW, I have a new blog, so you'll have to join as a "Follower"! Can't wait to see you next month!!!!!!!!! So excited!)
